The VIII James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome by jjqblog
October 28, 2014, 12:13 PM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

Italian JJ Foundation

The James Joyce Italian Foundation will hold its 8th Conference in Rome from February 2-3 of 2015.  The conference invites unpublished and in-progress essays and asks for 250-500 word abstracts with a short biography by November 15, 2014.  Because this year’s conference coincides with the Yeats’ 150th birthday, organizers are encouraging paper proposals to engage with Joyce, Yeats, and topics focusing on the Irish Revival.  They provide a list of possible paper topics but encourage others as well:

– Joyce and/vs Yeats
– Joyce and/vs Synge
– Joyce and/vs A.E.
– Joyce and/vs Lady Gregory
– Joyce as a revivalist
– Joyce’s drama/Yeats’s theatre
– Joyce’s poetry and the Revival
– Rewriting the Revival in Joyce’s notebooks, drafts, and completed works
– Joyce, genetic studies and the Revival
– Joyce’s Triestine journalism and the Revival
– Joyce’s writings as Revivals/Counter-revivals
– The Revival and autobiography: Writing the self/writing the nation
– Joyce’s translations of Synge and Yeats in Trieste
– Yeats’ Joyce
– The state and status of Yeats and Joyce Studies 60 years after their deaths
– Writing “Irishness”
– Joyce and the Irish Language
– Yeats, Joyce, and the idea of the Irish “race”
– Yeats, Joyce and Irish alterities
– Mangan or Ferguson? Who to revive from the nineteenth century.

The conference has confirmed several speakers including Matthew Campbell, Erik Bindervoet, Robbert-Jan Henkes, Fritz Senn, and Carla Marengo Vaglio.  Some papers delivered at the conference will be invited for publication at a later date.  Direct abstracts and questions to joyceconference@gmail.com



James Joyce Centre: Bloomsday 2014 by jjqblog
May 19, 2014, 8:44 AM
Filed under: Events, Exhibits & Displays

The James Joyce Centre in Dublin has a truly impressive lineup of events for Bloomsday 2014.  The festivities will begin on June 10 and culminate on Bloomsday.  Events leading up to Bloomsday include walking and bus tours tracing locations from Joyce’s works, a literary pub crawl, a streetside brunch, and public talks featuring Irish authors and other experts.  There will also be exhibitions of work from American photographer Lee Miller, Robert Berry’s illustrations of “The Dead,” and a showing of John Huston’s The Dead at the Irish Film Institute.  This year’s observance of Bloomsday is of particular importance because it coincides with the centenary of the publication of Dubliners.  There has already been a myriad of events related to this anniversary, and during the week leading up to Bloomsday, the Joyce Centre will participate in several others, highlighted by several showings of Declan Gorman’s theatrical portrayal of Grant Richards and Dubliners’ fraught publication history.  Finally, on Bloomsday The Joyce Centre will host a full Irish breakfast, participate in public readings MC’d by Peter Sheridan, and then complete the scheduled events with a showing of Romping Through Ulysses—James Joyce meets Rocky Horror and a Bloomsday Festival Wrap Party.  View the Centre’s itinerary here to see the full schedule and a detailed description of each event.  Also note that many of these events require advance booking and are located throughout the city.  You can plan your Bloomsday celebration and purchase tickets all on the Centre’s page.

UCD 2014 Research Colloquium Program by jjqblog
April 2, 2014, 8:43 AM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

University College Dublin has released the program for its 2014 James Joyce Research Colloquium. The Colloquium will take place on the 10-12 of April and celebrate the centenary of Dubliners by focusing on historical, digital, and archival approaches to the short story collection. There will be keynote addresses from Ann Fogarty, Andrew Gibson, and Vicki Mahaffey in addition to many other panels. The event is open to the public and free of charge, but advance registration is required. To view the full program and to register follow this link.

Joyce and the Digital Humanities at Boston College by jjqblog
March 12, 2014, 7:42 AM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

On April 5th, Boston College’s Institute for the Liberal Arts will host an event entitled “Joyce and the Digital Humanities.” The event will consist of a series of talks, presentations, and a roundtable discussion on digital topics that relate to Joyce studies capped off with a reception with entertainment by Brian O’Donovan and Aedin Moloney. Participants in the event include Sean Latham, Orla Murphy, Joe Valente, Marjorie Howes, Joseph Nugent, and a Keynote Address by Fintan O’Toole. Attending the event is free, but it is necessary to register in advance. For the event’s full schedule and registration follow this link.

Demolition of Ormond Hotel Halted by jjqblog
February 27, 2014, 1:42 PM
Filed under: Events



Late last year, a development company submitted a plan to the Dublin City Council to demolish the Ormond Hotel, the setting for the “Sirens” episode of Ulysses, and replace it with a much larger hotel.  Recently, the City Council rejected the plan because the proposed structure would dwarf the surrounding buildings and shade them from their normal periods of daylight.  Several parties, including the Dublin James Joyce Centre, opposed the project in order to preserve the site as a historical landmark and a remnant of Ireland’s literary past.  Thanks to RTE for the article and image.


100 Dubliners Symposium by jjqblog
February 25, 2014, 4:31 PM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

As we posted earlier this year, from October 31st through November 1st the Institute of English Studies at the University of London will be holding a symposium on Joyce’s Dubliners in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the short story collection’s publication.  The symposium will feature plenary talks from Professor Clair Willis from Queen Mary and Professor Andrew Gibson from Royal Holloway.  Click here to for the CFP and proposal submission instructions.


2014 Zurich James Joyce Foundation Workshop: Walking by jjqblog
January 29, 2014, 7:52 AM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

The 2014 Zurich James Joyce Foundation’s Workshop, running August 3-9, seeks to investigate ways in which the concepts of walking and wandering are pertinent to Joyce and his work.  The workshop’s description lists topics such as “’walking repeatedly in several different directions,’ Wandering (Aengus, Rocks, …), Topography, Orientation, Erring,” etc.  As always, the Zurich Workshop insists on personal interactivity during sessions, and participants are encouraged to structure their contributions to stimulate feedback and dialog rather than read their work or lecture.  Organizers have limited enrollment in the workshop to twenty individuals.  The workshop costs Swiss Fr. 150, which covers the week’s activities including a boat trip on Lake Zurich and a dinner.   To reserve a spot at the workshop contact Fritz Senn by email via fritzsenn@mac.com and include the word “stambuling” in the subject line to ensure the message isn’t overlooked.  Click here for more information on the Foundation, the 2014 Workshop, and to see a record of past workshop topics.


Institute of English Studies at University of London: 100 Dubliners Symposium by jjqblog
January 12, 2014, 10:23 PM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

In honor of the centenary of the publication of Dubliners, The Institute of English Studies at the University of London has released a CFP for its conference “100 Dubliners.”  The symposium will be held from October 31st through November 1st, 2014 at Senate House, Bloomsbury, and will feature plenary talks from Professor Clair Willis from Queen Mary and Professor Andrew Gibson from Royal Holloway.  The CFP, which you can access here, encourages proposals for a long and inclusive list of topics emphasizing investigations of how the short story collection intervenes in modernist literature.  Proposals should be up to 200 words and include a brief scholarly biography.  Email proposals to j.brooker@bbk.sc.uk by April 1st and include “100 Dubliners” in the subject line.

2014 IJJF Symposium Utrecht University, The Netherlands by jjqblog
November 16, 2013, 11:49 AM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

From 15th– 20th of June 2014, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, will host “a long the krommerun: the XXIV International James Joyce Symposium.”  The hosting committee, Onno Kosters, David Pascoe, Peter de Voogd, and Tim Conley, have released a call for papers inviting submissions on any Joyce-related topic, but particularly in these areas:

  • The Great War and the beginnings of Modernism
  • Dubliners 100 years
  • Institutions (Joyce’s Fascination with human, economic and social interaction)
  • De Stijl (Rietveld) and typography (Servire
  • Sustainable Joyce
  • Cultural identity

Proposals can be directed to jjs2014papers@gmail.com by 15 January 2014.  The CFP with instructions for both paper and panel proposals is available for viewing and download here.  The academic program, accommodation and registration instructions, and contact information can be accessed here.  Participants should be currently registered with IJJF.

2014 UCD James Joyce Research Colloquium by jjqblog
October 31, 2013, 6:42 PM
Filed under: Conferences, Lectures, & Schools, Events

The 2014 University College Dublin Joyce Research Colloquium will mark the hundred year anniversary of Joyce’s first book by focusing its events this year on “The Centenary of Dubliners: Historical and Archival Approaches.”  The Colloquium’s topics and goals are as follows:

The colloquium sets out to facilitate active exchange between graduate students and practitioners at all levels in the field of Joyce Studies and related fields. As always, we aim to provide a forum for the discussion of current and future developments in James Joyce Studies, but we particularly encourage the presentation and discussion of new insights and perspectives on Joyce’s work. While we want to highlight historical and archival contexts of Dubliners, all topics and approaches are welcome as always.

Confirmed plenary speakers include Hans Walter Gabler, Andrew Gibson, Frank McGuinness, and Vicki Mahaffey.  Organizers are asking for panel and paper proposals, including a title, of fewer than 500 words to be submitted by email to luca.crispi@ucd.ie by February 3.  Proposals should also include a brief narrative CV and a description of the proposer’s current work on Joyce.   For more information visit the Colloquium’s webpage here.